friendly ghost
friendly ghost (often just shortened to ghost) is the founder of The Hallowspeak Project! She started The Hallowspeak Project in July 2019, with the first reddit post showing version 1 of the writing system.
Having been a linguistics hobbyist for 5 years, they’re sort of the Team leader (although we don’t really have certain members above others), leading many linguistics discussions. And also like, boring leader stuff, like project management and scheduling.
She’s the main person to talk to in the public Hallowspeak channel about the language. Despite being the founder of the Project, she’s probably the least serious member of the Team, and is always joking around in the public channel.

cr0wan, also known as Crowan, also known as Crow, is a linguist in The Hallowspeak Project. He fell into linguistics after trying (and failing) to learn a bunch of languages and becoming interested in the history of languages.
After showing great interest and expertise in linguistics in the #hallowspeak-development channel, he joined on the 29th of September 2020, and has been throwing around linguistics ideas ever since!
A super great dude to be around, and one of the best people to talk to in the public channel, overshadowed only by the fact that he’s a cringe American ?

One of the early members of the Team, they joined during the old version of Hallowspeak on the 14th of September 2019.
Though they’re more focused on the written Hallowscript than the spoken language, they still pop in and help out in the linguistics channels. If you’ve seen the beautifully presented Hallowspeak documents, that’s their work too!
One of, if not the tiniest member of the Team, they’re really fun, though they have a bit of an enigma surrounding them, with their eternally unknowable age.

Another one of the oldest members, having joined the 13th of September 2019 after messaging ghost on reddit.
His main role is with programming, having built up loads of the structure of this website, and making it look at fantastic as it does! She also helps out with the linguistics stuff too!
Our token German, they’re a blast to hang out with – though we’re always a bit dubious about the authenticity of a pug‘s PHD. Oh and, if you go a little back in Hallowspeak’s history… let’s just say he really puts the programming in programming socks ;p

Dialog box was the first ever person to contact ghost to join The Hallowspeak Team, and so is the second ever member. He messaged on July 30th 2019 with his detailed analysis of Hallowspeak’s phonology, and has been an invaluable member ever since.
Whenever DB is in the chat, you can be sure that there’s going to be a shocking breakthrough or a skillful and groundbreaking bit of analysis. With his incredible prowess in linguistics, he’s the one other person you could say to be Project Leader.
Despite his slightly infuriating tendency to always urge us to be critical of our previous discoveries, DB is a fantastic person to work with. While currently he’s very busy, we’re always delighted when he can pop in to do Hallowspeak with us!

Soren was the first member we interviewed before hiring him, and joined on the 16th of September 2019.
Their role is all things programming! He built up all the foundations for this website, and made it look just so dang great! While they’re not always active – having a million super impressive projects of their own – he’s a fantastic part of the Team!
Outside the website development channels, Soren’s a fun and energetic guy, and honestly, a giant weeb too :p

McFrei is one of the newer Hallowspeak Members, having joined on the 10th of October 2020. After showing loads of interest in the Project in the public channel and sharing some of his own private findings, we just had to bring him in to the Team!
He helps out tonnes with analysis and transcriptions of voice lines, allowing us to have amassed a huge collection of almost every voice line in the game! With his insane work ethic, he also helps us to analyse huge amounts of the voice lines at once, to find patterns that we can try to explain!

Ivy joined on the 1st June 2020, after asking to join. Her interview consisted of her changing her nickname on the server to ‘not ivy’ so ghost wouldn’t be biased.
She’s pretty much only here because she’s ghost’s girlfriend :3

Bash, also known as Nuri, joined the Team on the 17th of September 2019, placing them in the mostly arbitrary ‘old members’ group.
Bash is super knowledgeable about linguistics, and helps out loads with all that analysing and hypothesising stuff! Along with ghost, Dialog_box, Crow, Midsu, and Maple, they form the Council of Grammar!
Sadly, they haven’t been able to be very active for a while now, but they’re still a blast to talk to!

FP joined the Team on the 21st of November 2019. He actually first posted his own analysis of some lore tablets in the game, and we reached out to him asking him if he wanted to join!
FP helps with the linguistics stuff in Hallowspeak: figuring out plausible explanations for the patterns we find, and building up Hallowspeak’s grammar and dictionary!
He’s also just a real great guy!

Midsu joined on the 13th of August 2020, after contacting us through a weird email thingy that Dylan added to the old version of the website.
Another member of the Council of Grammar, Midsu helps around with all bits of the linguistics work we do!
They recently took quite a long break from Hallowspeak, but we’re ecstatic that they’re finally back!!

Koguri joined the Team on the 3rd of November 2021, but they were supposed to be hired way earlier. They actually joined the server on the 16th of December 2019, specifically for Hallowspeak.
They’ve been deeply invested in the Project ever since then, and we should have hired them ages ago for their frequent contributions to discussions. We just.. well… kept forgetting to hire them.
Turns out we hire people for just refusing to ever leave :p On top of offering their ideas on the linguistics side of things, they also help out a lot by archiving important events that happen both on the public and private servers.

Maple joined the Team on the 8th of September 2021. She joined during the rush of new members from mossbag’s video featuring us, and then quickly started sharing her own analyses of various things.
Soon, they started the incredible task of analysing the voice lines from the Silksong trailer, using Midwife’s lines alongside them, and managed to start piecing together what we have decided to call Loomsong!
After 14 incredible hours breaking apart every possible scrap of dialogue into a complete phonology (and then taking a two day powernap), she had shown more than clearly her expertise in linguistic analysis, and so we rushed to hire her! Now, they’re an esteemed member of the Council of Grammar, and also the official Head of the Loomsong Project !!
Icon pending
Clock was hired on the 10th of September 2021, hearing of the Project because of mossbag’s video. He messaged us on reddit and showed us his experience, and after seeing that we knew we had to hire him.
Clockwise was a key member in the deciphering of the Phantom Abyss language, and showed us its extraordinarily detailed websiteǃ On top of this, he also has a degree in linguistics, which made him the first ever member of the Hallowspeak Team to have any academic qualification in linguistics.
Our system for hiring people requires that they interact with the community in the public server first, so we hired him a week after he joined. With all his knoweldge, he was instantly accepted into the Team, and given a place on the Council of Grammar.
Currently he isn’t active, since he just moved to Russia and is super busy. We wish him loads of luck getting settled there!

Leaf joined the Team on the 20th of September 2021. They entered the public server during the member rush after mossbag’s shoutout, and immediately became active in the community.
Aside from participating in discussions, their main contributions came with the Loomsong Project. Our technique to transcribe voice lines had always been to have multiple members do it by ear and then compare it, but Leaf offered a much more scientific method.
Leaf’s area of expertise is phonetics, and they showed their prowess by transcribing the voice lines through analysing their spectrograms and waveforms. This level of phonetic analysis is far beyond anyone else in the Team, and it instantly impressed us.
Majoring in NLP and soon to study even deeper into phonetics, their unique skills are immensely valuable in expanding our understanding of Hallowspeak’s phonology – an area that we hadn’t done much analysis on before.
Drawings by Zacc