
Hallowspeak Update 26


Happy [SATURDAY] and welcome to another episode of [HALLOWSPEAK WEEKLY UPDATES].

If you’ll recall, earlier Mish mentioned that we need a logo, so this week we discussed ideas for potential logo designs! Our resident art student who is also a bird, Crow (me), is now hard at work designing the logo to rule all other logos. It’s tough! There are lots of things that come into consideration when designing an icon that’s meant to represent a whole project. But I’m sure I’ll come up with something elegant and genius, as always B-)

Also! We have been approached by someone who designed a potential Hollow Knight themed mechanical keyboard layout, who is interested in possibly making a version with Hallowscript letters on it!! How exciting!! Although, we are still far from completing the new version of the alphabet, so it’s unclear how this is gonna go. But it could potentially be very cool

Anyway, it was mostly auxiliary stuff this week, so that’s really it. Tune in next time for another fascinating installment of Entomoglossists Interpreting Bug Mouth Noises ?

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