Alrighty guys, I’m sorry to say but this week there was pretty much no progress. Turns out.. everyone just forgot about it?
So instead of the Project news section like normal, how about we go through the things currently on the agenda. Firstly, we still need to confirm the Austronesian Alignment theory, which you can see in update 23. If you recall from last update, this involves checking every single line, besides interjections. The second thing is the website. With Dylan extremely busy having a productive and fulfilling life like some weirdo, it just leaves Dr Mops to do all the coding for the site. […] he’s more than qualified to get our website up and running!
Now, for some extremely distressing Team news. As you may or may not know, every member in the Hallowspeak Team, apart from those who were added solely because they’re another member’s girlfriend, contribute to the linguistic discussions that push Hallowspeak forward. However, it has come to my concerned attention that, in fact, not every single member in the Team can fluently speak the Hallowspeak language.
This, I’m sure you can all see, is a horrible and heinous realisation, that I suddenly came to upon suggesting something in Hallowspeak on the project management channel on the Hallowspeak server, which to my complete and utter shock, not every member of the Team could understand.
I am in pain and shock at this terrible development. I cannot believe that not every member, including those who have only joined recently, are aware of and have memorised every feature addition and removal in the over a year that the Hallowspeak Project has been going on. I will truly need some time to process this traumatic information.
And of course, here is a screenshot of the terrifying moment that this became apparent to me: View at your own discretion.

I know. Truly gut-wrenching. Oh, but of course, I understand that our loyal viewers wouldn’t be able to understand what that says, since the Hallowspeak documents are available only to members of the Team.
Well, it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Here’s the gloss: logo-ACC want-[1S.TR] Hallowspeak-DAT
For the non linguist viewers, that means “I want a logo for Hallowspeak”. And yknow what? We are well overdue for a logo! So if anyone has any ideas, it’d be awesome to brainstorm a logo together with all of you!
That’s it for this week’s update! Tune in next time!!!