
Hallowspeak Update 28

Wow, the team has been quite active these past two weeks. With the warming of the weather, the flowers start to bloom again, and all the little critters come out of their holes to work on conlangs. Though admittedly, a lot of our time has been spent talking about cartoons and trying to organize a time to voice chat that works for all of us. After a bit of finagling, we worked it out, and the team’s ears were blessed by the glorious accent of one of our resident Germans, Mops.

Since last update, we brainstormed more ideas for the logo, which I have sketched out but haven’t done much else with since, because I have been very busy with school ?

We also finally started working on the new website! Which is a wordpress blog now. We decided to make a new one because only Dylan could edit the old one, and he wasn’t very active at the time so all changes would have to be suggestions by Mops to Dylan, which would slow down the process a lot. Right now we’re transferring all the old weekly updates onto it, and we’ll also add the most current lexicon, and probably an FAQ and some other things. Once it’s complete, we want it to be our more professional looking and organized public outlet for the project, where people who are looking for info about it can go without having to join this server and ask us the same questions over and over.

We’re excited to get the website working, and to be making more progress with the project as usual. I hope everyone has a good week! ??

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