
Hallowspeak Update 28

Wow, the team has been quite active these past two weeks. With the warming of the weather, the flowers start to bloom again, and all the little critters come out of their holes to work on conlangs. Though admittedly, a lot of our time has been spent talking about cartoons and trying to organize a time to voice chat that works for all of us. After a bit of finagling, we worked it out, and the team’s ears were blessed by the glorious accent of one of our resident Germans, Mops.

Since last update, we brainstormed more ideas for the logo, which I have sketched out but haven’t done much else with since, because I have been very busy with school ?

We also finally started working on the new website! Which is a wordpress blog now. We decided to make a new one because only Dylan could edit the old one, and he wasn’t very active at the time so all changes would have to be suggestions by Mops to Dylan, which would slow down the process a lot. Right now we’re transferring all the old weekly updates onto it, and we’ll also add the most current lexicon, and probably an FAQ and some other things. Once it’s complete, we want it to be our more professional looking and organized public outlet for the project, where people who are looking for info about it can go without having to join this server and ask us the same questions over and over.

We’re excited to get the website working, and to be making more progress with the project as usual. I hope everyone has a good week! ??


Hallowspeak Update 26


Happy [SATURDAY] and welcome to another episode of [HALLOWSPEAK WEEKLY UPDATES].

If you’ll recall, earlier Mish mentioned that we need a logo, so this week we discussed ideas for potential logo designs! Our resident art student who is also a bird, Crow (me), is now hard at work designing the logo to rule all other logos. It’s tough! There are lots of things that come into consideration when designing an icon that’s meant to represent a whole project. But I’m sure I’ll come up with something elegant and genius, as always B-)

Also! We have been approached by someone who designed a potential Hollow Knight themed mechanical keyboard layout, who is interested in possibly making a version with Hallowscript letters on it!! How exciting!! Although, we are still far from completing the new version of the alphabet, so it’s unclear how this is gonna go. But it could potentially be very cool

Anyway, it was mostly auxiliary stuff this week, so that’s really it. Tune in next time for another fascinating installment of Entomoglossists Interpreting Bug Mouth Noises ?


Hallowspeak Update 25

Alrighty guys, I’m sorry to say but this week there was pretty much no progress. Turns out.. everyone just forgot about it?

So instead of the Project news section like normal, how about we go through the things currently on the agenda. Firstly, we still need to confirm the Austronesian Alignment theory, which you can see in update 23. If you recall from last update, this involves checking every single line, besides interjections. The second thing is the website. With Dylan extremely busy having a productive and fulfilling life like some weirdo, it just leaves Dr Mops to do all the coding for the site. […] he’s more than qualified to get our website up and running!

Now, for some extremely distressing Team news. As you may or may not know, every member in the Hallowspeak Team, apart from those who were added solely because they’re another member’s girlfriend, contribute to the linguistic discussions that push Hallowspeak forward. However, it has come to my concerned attention that, in fact, not every single member in the Team can fluently speak the Hallowspeak language.

This, I’m sure you can all see, is a horrible and heinous realisation, that I suddenly came to upon suggesting something in Hallowspeak on the project management channel on the Hallowspeak server, which to my complete and utter shock, not every member of the Team could understand.

I am in pain and shock at this terrible development. I cannot believe that not every member, including those who have only joined recently, are aware of and have memorised every feature addition and removal in the over a year that the Hallowspeak Project has been going on. I will truly need some time to process this traumatic information.

And of course, here is a screenshot of the terrifying moment that this became apparent to me: View at your own discretion.

I know. Truly gut-wrenching. Oh, but of course, I understand that our loyal viewers wouldn’t be able to understand what that says, since the Hallowspeak documents are available only to members of the Team.

Well, it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Here’s the gloss: logo-ACC want-[1S.TR] Hallowspeak-DAT For the non linguist viewers, that means “I want a logo for Hallowspeak”. And yknow what? We are well overdue for a logo! So if anyone has any ideas, it’d be awesome to brainstorm a logo together with all of you!

That’s it for this week’s update! Tune in next time!!!


Hallowspeak Update 24

Happy Friday everyone, or Saturday for some of you. This update is a bit late as usual; we were busy doing very important linguist activities. Anyway, as with all things, there are highs and there are lows, and this week we didn’t make a lot of substantial progress, but we have some things to look forward to.

The Codey Bois (haha isn’t that a funny name? yes) said they would work on the website which is good, because the website hasn’t been updated in like forever and basically functions as a message box for people who find the old updates on reddit and want to know if we’ve made any progress.

The reason it hasn’t been updated in forever is because Dylan (½ of the Codey Bois) is the only one who can edit the site, and he vanished for over a year and hadn’t really been active until recently. Apparently he got a full time job, like some kind of functioning adult ? . The plan now is for Mops (2/2 of the Codey Bois) to code shit for the site and for Dylan to just approve it. We’re hoping the site can become kind of a homepage for the project, where we can post updates, and maybe have bios for each team member.

As you all were made aware in the last update, we’ve settled on the Austronesian Alignment theory, so now all that’s left to do in the way of confirming it is to check it against the voice lines. Whenever we come up with a theory, the last step in confirming it as canon in Hallowspeak is to verify it by checking all voicelines where it would apply, and see if it makes sense. Unfortunately, the dialogue in Hollow Knight is gibberish, and was never meant to be interpreted like this. Team Cherry basically told the actors to recite gibberish. So there will be cases where a line doesn’t quite work, and we might need to employ some Artistic License™ to figure out how it can work.

Since Austronesian Alignment isn’t one grammatical structure (it’s a word order) it has to apply to every sentence in Hallowspeak. Because of that, we’re going to have to check every single voice line from the game (disregarding things like interjections), which will be very time consuming.

“uhhghhhsghg yeag yeah i hope excited about website!! uh things testing theory next time! haha hope you enjoy! tune in next time!” – mish


Hallowspeak Update 22

Alright everyone! A nice, chill week for the Hallowspeak Project this time! We didn’t have any huge crazy breakthroughs, but not every week can have some big discovery! But we didn’t do nothing either: just a nice calm week! More than that though, this was a great week for the Team!

Let’s start off with the Project news. Previously, we thought that we had transcribed every single voice clip in the game ages ago in the early stages of the Project, so we hadn’t really focused on it. But it turns out, there are a few particularly tricky lines that we missed! Thanks to McFrei’s crazy work ethic, always looking for more things we can do, we found some voice lines we had not yet transcribed.

Unfortunately, the speech is not very clear, with super slurred speech and some lines that almost just sound like grunts! So we’ve been tossing around ideas as to what’s being said, and comparing what each of us hear in order to hopefully get an accurate transcription. Sometimes, linguistics is listening to a muffled recording of a few words a million times and having no idea what you’re hearing!

Now for the awesome Team news! Although we didn’t make any huge breakthroughs this week, the server has been more active lately and team spirits are up! More old team members are showing back up in the server after months of being inactive, and we’ve been chit-chatting a lot between eachother, almost like we’re friends or something. It’s been great! (Mish – Just like the old days ;u;) Hopefully this boost in morale bodes well for making progress going forward!

Well this concludes Crow’s first Update (which is really about 20% Crow’s writing, 80% Mish’s. I’ll get the hang of it :P)!! See you all next week!


Hallowspeak Update 19

This week on the update, we’re gonna have a bit of a special. With all this work across over a year now, there’s been countless discoveries in the Project; but all you’ve seen has been, well, updates! You’ve only seen small little bits adding on top of the progress that we had already made before the start of these Hallowspeak Updates, so I thought for Christmas Day I would show off all the past progress that’s led up to where the Project is today.

And what better phrase to use to demonstrate all this progress than a festive wish:

Akala em bis kanamo Krismysak namino mejea!

hope-[1S] CMPL very AUG-good NAME-ACC have-2PL person-VOC-PL

“I hope you all have a really great Christmas guys!”

First, just before we break down the history that led to this phrase: That weird looking code thing in the code block is what’s known as a gloss. A gloss is a breakdown of a phrase that linguists can use to understand how a phrase is put together. Those capital letters all stand for a grammatical affix (prefix or suffix): PL for plural; 2 for second person; etc.

Now, let’s go in chronological order. Before we could uncover any grammar, or any words, we needed to figure out Hallowspeak’s sounds and rules for those sounds, called phonology. That beginning analysis was done by none other than DB, who as well as being our best member, is also the first person to join the Team after I started it. He analysed all the voice lines which we got from a YouTube playlist, and tried to figure out which sounds are unique and which are variations of the same sound, which allowed him to construct a phonetic inventory. Then, he looked at which combinations of sounds appear in the voice lines and how syllables are organised, which he analysed to figure out the phonotactics.

After a few revisions, we use this phonology to transcribe all the voice lines even more accurately. Then, we used it to make a set of non-canonical Hallowspeak words. Obviously, we don’t have enough words to be able to translate any possible request, so we use these non-canonical words to fill in the gaps. They aren’t directly from the voice lines, but are made up using the phonology that we analysed. The word “namo” (“good”) is one of those words.

Another use for the phonology of Hallowspeak is to loan words from other languages into Hallowspeak, mostly names. For “Christmas”, it doesn’t change all too much: “kr” is an allowed cluster, and “s” is allowed at the end of a syllable. The only issue is that “t” which wouldn’t be allowed, but no one pronounces it anyway. The second “a” in Christmas is more like an “uh” sound, so I use “y” for it which makes that sound. Therefore, we get “Krismys”.

After the phonology, we started looking through the transcribed lines to try and figure out some words. In the beginning, when we had nearly nothing, it was mostly a guessing game trying to figure out what meanings would fit in context. That’s when we figured out “akala” (“hope”) and “em” (“that”) from Elderbug, and “ka-“ which is an augmentative like “great/big” from the NailmastersThings like augmentatives that allow you to make new words from other words are really useful for translation requests since they can allow us to get closer to what we’re trying to translate.

Once we’d acquired a few words, we decided to move on to grammar. One of the first things we noticed was the “-ak” suffix which we thought was the accusative case, marking the object of a sentence. From that small start, the grammar expanded more and more, including verb endings. That “-ino” suffix was a verb ending at this point, but it was an abilitative “can”, because we interpreted Cloth’s “nadino sonino” as being disappointed that she can’t do something.

Another really early discovery was the vocative “-je”, basically a suffix to indicate that you’re talking to something, from “trosje kalimo”. That’s where we get the “je” in “mejea”. That little bit of grammar stayed from the very earliest stages of the Project until now, but many other things didn’t survive. It was around this time that it happened: the Great Hallowspeak Reset.

Well, not a full hard reset, but we put everything we had on the table to be changed. And we changed a lot. By comparing new things to see if old things still held up, we found that many of our older discoveries weren’t accurate, including that “-ino”. We then saw that there was also an “-in”, which reminded us of how “-eku” (the third person verb ending) also has an “-ek” for plurality, so we changed it to the second person. That’s where the “ino” in “namino” comes from.

Unfortunately, after this, there was a huge period where we made very minimal progress, which we affectionately refer to as “the Great Hallowspeak Cheddening”. We like naming our events “great”. So to get things rolling again, we started Project Zote: a shorter term goal to fully analyse Zote’s big speech. From this, we got many words, like “bis” (“very”), and confirmation of “name” for “have”. We had already been thinking it was some common word like “have”, but this is when we agreed upon that specific meaning.

From this smaller mini-project, we also learnt a lot about Hallowspeak’s word order. That’s kinda hard though when you don’t understand most of the words. The way we did it is by looking at which words have verb endings and which have cases. The ones with verb endings are obviously verbs, and the ones with cases are nouns. That’s how we figured out Hallowspeak’s word order as OVS (Object Verb Subject), and that adjectives come before nouns.

Now the final pieces, “me” for person and “-a” for the plural; you were here to see them be discovered! Now, we have all the pieces.

“Akala em” from the very first analyses of the voice lines. “Bis” from Project Zote. “Ka” from the very beginning and “namo” as one of the non-canonical words that we needed for translation requests. “Krismys” from the phonology reconstructed by DB at the very start of the Project, when he and I were the only members!! “Ak” from before the big reset and “name” and “ino” from after!! “Me” from just a few months ago, and “je” as one of the first ever bits of grammar we found!!! “-a” from so recently, that it’s part of a still ongoing investigation!!!!

Akala em bis kanamo Krismysak namino mejea!”

I hope you all have a really great Christmas guys!!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!


Hallowspeak Update 16

I’m kinda feeling like becoming a liquid and soaking into a carpet right now, for reasons that I will not elaborate on. We have not made any more progress since last update, for the same reasons that I will not elaborate on. So instead, I’m going to issue some quick but important clarifications about this channel and the Project.

1: So how can I help make Hallowspeak?
This is a question that we get very frequently here, and while it comes from a good place, it’s a misunderstanding of this channel’s purpose. This channel is the public outlet for the Hallowspeak Project. It is not where we make Hallowspeak. Hallowspeak is made on a private Hallowspeak server that is for all the members of the Team. This channel is for those Members to post updates and answer questions on the Project.

After we tell people that, they often ask to join the Team, or ask how they can join, so they can still help out.

2: How can I join the Team?
This is a bit of a tricky question, since we don’t really have people ‘apply’ to join. Normally, we will ask to interview people who have shown interest in the Project and linguistic knowledge in this channel. To show your interest, all you need to do is be active in this channel. You can ask questions and tell us about any interesting things that you’ve noticed about the language. That’s also how you can show your linguistic knowledge. But please, don’t try to impress us just to join the Team.

3: Where is Hallowspeak Update 15?
No one has asked this question yet, but I anticipated that people would ask after I posted this update, so I’m just getting it out of the way. Hallowspeak Update 15 was just the word “shite”. It was not ported to the website for obvious reasons.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a carpet to soak into.


Hallowspeak Update 14


Hallowspeak update 9


That’s right! We’ve already had someone join the team! It’s someone who’s already been quite active here on this channel, and has proven to be a cool epic linguist. Welcome @cr0wan to the Team!!!! We’re so glad to have you!

We’re also currently in the process of interviewing another person, who is most likely going to be hired from what we’ve seen of them so far. Perhaps we’ll be looking for even more people? Who knows!!

We should really continue making the language, huh

Tune in next time when we maybe might have done that!


Hallowspeak Update 8


That’s right! We want more members of the Team!! There are already so many people who we want to join the Team! I don’t remember their names but that’s because my memory is bad! Uhhhh you know who you are just like dm me and we’ll interview you to join the Team. What else?

Well, guess what. This’ll blow you away… Dylan sent one more message! Yes! A whole nother message, and then left again! Wow!

I finally made a post on Reddit telling people that the project isn’t over! That’s pretty epic I hope everyone who was interested didn’t just forget about the project by now.

Okay update done bye!